* * Crazy
PA Tuner * *
Help page for the
The software that drives an almost crazy idea,
but not only.
How_To transform any manual linear amplifier in an automatic one.
quasi automatic :-)
This software has been written by Max IK0VVE .
The latest version and the terms of use you find at : www.ik0vve.net/software
The progam drives 2 Stepper Motors (SM) via the LPT port of a PC.
If you still use an LPT printer as me, get a two ports DB25 switch.
The following link brings you to the hardware page.
These help pages cover the use of the WEController software in the Radioamateur field where one or two knobs are to be rotated
back, forth and get their positions memorized .
The software after the many feedbacks to the Author by me and other Hams has become a Multi Use program ,
as the original version intended for only one mode has been improved to work in 3 different ones . For now!
Furthermore the software interfaces to external software so the motors can be driven also by other programs.
These programs are : Ham Radio de Luxe a well known rig's interfacing soft , Logger32, the best free Ham Log, for me, thank you Bob for the help.
And the famous contest logger program N1MM.
Further programs will be interfaced as the need will occour.
Even if the software is very easy to use, I will give here a brief description of the “Tune&Load” part relative to my project,
but being it QUASI identical to the COIL_Tuner part.
The main menu window can be divided in 4 parts : Motor1, Motor2, Memories and Options.
Click here to view an external menu window during the scrolling of the article
Beside the above 4 parts here follows a short description of the FILE-FUNCTION-CONFIG-? command row.
Part 1 & 2 .
The motor parts 1 and 2 are identical.
Each motor part can be divided into 2 sub-parts: Input Fields and Motor Consolles.
By clicking with the mouse on the "orange-asterisc" you access into the relative input function. ENTER accepts the value.
*** Too fast value will led to loose the step impulses ***.
Below the green consolle there are some more commands:
Part 3.
The Memories : Basic and Advanced use.
The memories are one of the MUST of the whole WEController project.
Turning the steppers is quite an easy task, but changing the bands back and forth meant that one needed a memory bank
to keep
the Knobs position values memorized.
Look at the small yellow circle in the WEController window.
10 memories are present, each one has 3 fields :
The upper one is the description, the middle one is the relative memo_caller_button and the lower one is the input field.
Resting the mouse over any memo number a sticker will appear whit the memorized values .
and what are the new values to be memorized.
The button description must be in the form of band = 20, 20m, 20 m, 20 meters (m20 is not OK)
or FREQUENCY mode = 14.150 Mhz (only the first 2 numbers 14.xxx are recognized,the rest of the string is only mnemonic).
Fast_Memory_Store (FMS).
This feature is located in the OPTIONS part of the window. It may be checked = ON or unchecked = OFF.
At the present time it works only if the WEController is coupled to one of the external programs.
It has the following function:
Should we need to move on the same band far away from the WE_Con\RF_PA tuned position we need to retune.
Usage : when WEController is coupled to an external software say Logger32 and we have the need to retune the amplifier having FMS_ON
just press the key SHIFT + the motor CW or CCW keys to retune,
when we leave the SHIFT key the new values are stored directly into the actual Memory position and a wav notice is given.
The FMS must be ON otherway the software would resycronize the steppers to the preset values every time we try to retune the steppers manually.
Its use has become unnecessary after the introduction of the motors Auto_OFF function.
The software Mode, the IP and its opened port, the PC's name. The external program coupled.The name of the loaded cfg file.
Part 4:
Here are grouped more features togheter. This part is also divided in two sub-parts :
Motor-controls and Fast-Memory-Store on the left,
External Software syncronization on the right.
This feature blocks the motors so they do not rotate during the OFF periods on possible SWR\RFI impulses.
If the DOTS values between the memories are larger than 10 (as shown here) then the motors rotate in fast mode.
This feature is usefull when changing from bands whose DOTs values are very distant and getting the repositioning quicker.
New dic.'06: interface .
=============================== The software will get more functions as they will be needed. Back to the IC8POF's Crazy PA Tuner
hardware page,
v1.4- marzo\aprile\maggio 2006 , gennaio '07 - rev.lug.08
A more flexibile interface has been added to the Cra_PA_Tun\We_Controller project.
This a www.velleman.be product model K8055 of Belgium , has the possibility to interface up to 4 cards, multiplying the
possibilities to extend the control to more equipment.
Any suggestion will be appreciated.
Feel free to write to my email on ic8pofATyahooDOTcom (copy,paste and correct),
or to Max's email : ik0vveATik0vve.net.
or goto to Max's IK0VVE software page.